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Zhang Liguo lawyer was awarded the Top 10 Influential Lawyers in China by the ALB

Pubdate:2015.08.12 Source: Hit:1546

Recently,ALB published the China Power List of 2015, awarding our lawyer Zhang Liguo asthe Top 10 Influential Lawyers in China.

LawyerZhang Liguo is the famous legal expert in Chinese stock and capital market, andis the member of the first issuing consultant committee of Shanghai StockExchange, the member of the 7th issuing committee of Shenzhen StockExchange and the director of the National Fund committee for TechnologyTransfer and Commercialization. During his 20-year’s career, lawyer Zhang Liguooperated the IPO, merger and reorganization, refinancing, security funding,share rewarding project for over 100 enterprises, offering enterprises withall-round legal services.


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