扎实稳健 精益求精

Solid, Steady and Striving for Excellence

Based on extensive experience in serving Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs, we assist entrepreneurs in planning and implementing family and family business governance and wealth management framework. This ensures entrepreneurs’ seamless succession and effective wealth management for both their families and family businesses. We create dual simultaneous governance systems for family and family entities tailored to the unique needs of Chinese families, to help entrepreneurs realize and enhance legal and governance structures. Through a comprehensive analysis of family investments and assets, we identify assets suitable for succession, and customize and implement strategies on risks separation as well as protection of family wealth.

Family Business and Wealth Management

Based on extensive experience in serving Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs, we assist entrepreneurs in planning and implementing family and family business governance and wealth management framework. This ensures entrepreneurs' seamless succession and effective wealth management for both their families and family businesses. We create dual simultaneous governance systems for family and family entities tailored to the unique needs of Chinese families, to help entrepreneurs realize and enhance legal and governance structures. Through a comprehensive analysis of family investments and assets, we identify assets suitable for succession, and customize and implement strategies on risks separation as well as protection of family wealth.

We are well-versed in the intricacies of Chinese family and family business governance and wealth management. We fully understand the specific challenges faced by Chinese entrepreneurs and collaborate closely with them to develop and implement robust frameworks for family and family business governance and wealth management. In the realm of family and family business governance, we assist entrepreneurs in defining family objectives, identifying risks for family governance as well as family businesses governance, and creating dual simultaneous governance strategies and systems. We lead efforts to re-build or enhance legal and governance structures that are align with family objectives. Simultaneously, our team assists in analyzing family investments and assets, proactively assessing and mitigating potential risks (including by restructuring), identifying assets suitable for succession. We work closely with entrepreneurs to customize and implement strategies on risk separation as well as protection of family wealth. Through the creation of family charters and other governance documents, the establishment of family offices, and the utilization of various wealth planning tools, we assist entrepreneurs in achieving seamless succession and effective wealth management for both their families and family businesses.

Our Services

  • Evaluating potential risks in family, family business governance and family assets

  • Creating dual simultaneous family and family business governance system and wealth management frameworks

  • Planning and implementing family governance

  • Planning and implementing family business governance

  • Customizing and implementing strategies on risk separation as well as protection of family wealth

  • Drafting legal documents, including family charters, family and family business governance documents, rules of procedure, etc.

  • Establishing family offices