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Legal update

Shanghai Takes the Lead in Launching Copyright Registration of Cross-regional Works

Pubdate:2022.01.25 Source: Hit:1011

On November 11, the Shanghai Copyright Administration announced "Several Measures to Support the Pudong New Area to Build a National Copyright Innovation and Development Base" to support Pudong's pioneering innovation and breakthrough institutional reforms in the copyright field. The National Copyright Administration and the Shanghai Copyright Administration support the exploration of the reform of the copyright registration system in Pudong New Area, and are the first to carry out the registration of cross-regional works based on the principle of "place where copyright acts occur", and enjoy "citizen treatment". In addition, the works of copyright owners in other provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities that meet the pre-examination requirements for works registration in Pudong New Area can enjoy the "citizen treatment" of registration of works in Shanghai.


Under Pudong’s innovative work registration reform model, works that are traded and developed in Pudong New Area can be incorporated into Pudong’s intellectual property protection system at the same time as initial registration certificates are obtained, forming a one-stop service that integrates rights confirmation, use, and rights protection.

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