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Legal update

Beijing Solicits Public Comments on the Beijing Digital Economy Promotion Regulations

Pubdate:2022.06.01 Source: Hit:1134

On May 7, 2022, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology issued the "Beijing Digital Economy Promotion Regulations" (“Regulations”) to solicit public opinions, elevating Beijing's effective policies and measures to a regulatory system.


1. Setting up a public data area. Establish a unified public data resource catalog, organize the establishment of a city-wide public data sharing support system, and promote the interconnection of data and related business systems. Set up public data zones in the fields of finance, medical care, transportation, and geospatial to promote the openness and social application of public data.


2. Exploring the capitalization accounting of data production factors. Beijing explores the establishment of an accounting system for data production factors, promotes the establishment of a registration and evaluation system for data assets, and supports innovations in digital economy formats such as data investment, data credit, data trust, and data asset securitization. Units and individuals may conduct data services and data product transactions through direct transactions, platform transactions, and other legal methods.


3. Promoting the construction of digital infrastructure. Support the construction of a generation of high-speed fixed broadband and mobile communication networks, satellite Internet, quantum communication and other network infrastructure, and promote the construction of new technology infrastructure such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, privacy computing, and urban space operating systems.


4. Encouraging platform companies to participate in the construction of the digital economy. Internet platform companies are required to abide by laws and business ethics, and establish and improve platform management systems and rules. And allow individuals to use new platforms such as e-commerce, social software, knowledge sharing, audio and video websites, and makers to find employment and start businesses.


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