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Legal update

GACC Announced Administrative Measures for Customs Import and Export Commodity Inspection and Acceptance

Pubdate:2022.09.28 Source: Hit:1235

On September 20, 2022, GACC announced the Administrative Measures for Customs Import and Export Commodity Inspection and Acceptance (“Measures”), which will come into force on December 1, 2022. The Measures consists of five chapters and 28 articles, which are applicable to Custom’s acceptance of inspection results of the inspection agencies in the inspection of import and export commodities, as well as the supervision and management of the inspection agencies. The Measures clarifies that the inspection agencies are managed through the directory management system and the Customs will not accept the inspection results of inspection agencies that are not in the directory. The Measures  stipulates the access conditions, procedures and corresponding exit mechanism. An inspection agency that has been removed from the directory by GACC shall not re-apply to become an inspection agency within one year.

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