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Legal update

Shenzhen Issued Regulation of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Foreign Investment

Pubdate:2022.09.28 Source: Hit:1154

On September 7, 2022, Shenzhen issued the Regulation of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Foreign Investment to promote higher-level opening-up. It is prohibited to formulate restrictions for foreign investment access outside the negative list. Shenzhen encourages and guides foreign investors to invest in key development fields and provides foreign investors with investment facilitation, such as tax, financial, clearance and land use preferential policies and corresponding electronic settlement services.


Foreign investors can equally participate in the formulation and amendment of local standards. The process period of complicated foreign investment complaints is shorter than the provisions in Guangdong Province and national standard. In addition, it allows international talents with corresponding overseas professional qualification or accreditation by a recognized international professional organization to engage in practice activities upon recognition of competency level or filing.

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