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Legal update

China Allows Foreign-invested Travel Agencies in Shanghai and Chongqing to Conduct Outbound Travel Operations

Pubdate:2022.10.14 Source: Hit:706

On October 8, 2022, the State Council released the Circular on Approving Temporary Adjustments of Certain Provisions of Administrative Regulations in Tianjin, Shanghai, Hainan and Chongqing (Circular). It is clarified that the State Council has approved adjusting Article 23 of the Regulation on Travel Agencies issued by the State Council in 2020, allowing qualified foreign-invested travel agencies, established in Shanghai or Chongqing, to conduct outbound travel operations excluding Taiwan. The State Council also approved adjusting Article 2 of the Interim Regulations for the Registration and Administration of Private Non-enterprise Units in Tianjin, Hainan and Chongqing, expanding the market entry for foreign-invested non-profit nursing homes.

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