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Shanghai Takes Measures to Promote Development of High-end Manufacturing

Pubdate:2022.10.14 Source: Hit:934

On October 10, 2022, Shanghai government released the Several Measures of Shanghai Municipality on Boosting the Development of High-end Manufacturing (Measures), which has come into effective on October 1, 2022. The Measures rolled out 25 specific measures in four aspects. The government will increase financial support and step up gradient cultivation of enterprises in various areas, support enterprises to implement technological and digital transformation, and raise the upper limit of supportive fund for major technological transformation projects in recognized major industries to RMB 100 million. The Measures also proposes that the government will accelerate preliminary review of intellectual property rights, and confirmation and protection of rights for enterprises in key industries and areas, support application of innovative drugs and devices in biomedicine, and set out key tasks for innovation of application scenarios in artificial intelligence, industrial internet and other areas.

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