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Shanghai Plans to Issue “Pollutant Emission Standards for Semiconductor Industry”

Pubdate:2022.10.14 Source: Hit:851

On September 22, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment issued a letter to solicit comments on the “Pollutant Emission Standards for Semiconductor Industry (Second Draft for Comments)”, and the feedback is accepted by October 20.

This document is applicable to the discharge management of water and air pollutants in the semiconductor industry in Shanghai, and specifies the water and air pollutant emission control requirements, implementation and supervision of monitoring and its standard for relevant enterprises. It mainly stipulates relevant requirements with respect to new construction, reconstruction and expansion projects, including the environmental impact assessment, the design of environmental protection facilities, the environmental acceptance upon completion, the approval and issuing of pollutant discharge licenses, water and air pollution control and emission management after operation, and pollutant emission permit management for enterprises in the semiconductor industry.

Specifically, compare with the used standards, this document adjusted the classification of water pollutant discharge standards, changed pollutant control items, altered emission limits for some pollutant items,increased concentration limits of the air pollutant control point at the boundary of the plant, and updated the determination and analysis methods of some pollutant items.

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