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Shenzhen Released the Several Measures of Shenzhen Municipality on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry (Exposure Draft) for Public Comments

Pubdate:2022.10.21 Source: Hit:809

On 11th October, 2022, the Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen Municipality released the Several Measures of Shenzhen Municipality on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry (Exposure Draft) (“Draft”) and announced the Draft is subject to public comments till 10th November. The Draft proposed to support the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Industry (“ICV Industry”) from four perspectives including R&D rewarding up to 200 million CNY, industry synergies promotion such as funding for upstream and downstream companies, application scenario exploration support such as discount on road test fees, and optimizing the supporting environment for industrial development such as funding for industry exhibitions and the development of industrial standard.

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