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Shanghai Promoting Multimodal Transport, Optimising and Adjusting Transportation Structure

Pubdate:2022.11.11 Source: Hit:924

On October 19, 2022, Shanghai Municipal People's Government released the Action Plan of Shanghai Municipality on Promoting the Development of Multimodal Transport, Optimizing and Adjusting the Transportation Structure (“Plan”).


The Plan proposes that by 2025, railway freight volume in Shanghai will increase by 10% compared to 2020, the proportion of water-to-water transfer in Shanghai port's container will not be less than 52%, the average annual growth of container sea-rail intermodal transport volume will be more than 15%, the number of cities in the international inbound and outbound truck flight network of the Pudong International Airport will increase by more than 8%, and 100% of newly added urban logistics vehicles will use new energy or clean energy. The Plan makes it clear that efforts will be made to improve the carrying capacity and connection of multimodal transport, optimize the organization mode of multimodal transport, accelerate the upgrading of technical equipment, create the international-oriented market environment, and improve the policy guarantee system.

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