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Legal update

Customs General Issued Regulations on the Management of Bonded Warehouses and Stored Goods (Draft for Comments)

Pubdate:2022.11.11 Source: Hit:849

On November 2, 2022, Customs General released the Regulations on Bonded Warehouses and the Management of Stored Goods (Draft for Comments) and the deadline for feedback is on 2 December.


There is one new article in the revised provisions. The main amendments include: (1) the revised provision improve the scope of goods can be stored in bonded warehouses; (2) it stops the management personnel training of bonded warehouse business enterprises and bonded warehouse; (3) it clears time limit for the declaration of goods out of the warehouse; (4) it improves the penalties for non-compliance; (5) there is a new article that supervision of bonded warehouses by Customs in accordance with the law does not affect the local government and other departments to perform their corresponding duties in accordance with the law.

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