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Legal update

GACC Plans to Revise the Management Measures on Imported Automotive Commodities Inspection

Pubdate:2022.11.25 Source: Hit:859

On November 1, 2022, GACC issued the Notice on Public Comments on Management Measures on Imported Automotive Commodities Inspection (draft for comments) (“Measures”).


The Measures mainly clarifies the duties and scope of Customs in the inspection, and emphasizes dynamic adjustment of the inspection mode. It clearly focuses on safety, sanitation, health and environmental protection, and optimizes the specific items for inspection, adds “Non-Batch” supervision and inspection mode and conducts general item inspection and safety performance inspection by sampling batches. In addition, the Measures clarifies the responsibilities and obligations of enterprises, emphasizes that importers should bear main responsibility for the quality and safety of their imported automotives, and stipulates the obligation of enterprises to cooperate with Customs in implementing risk management on imported cars.

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