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Legal update

GACC Announced Standards for Customs Advanced Certification Enterprises

Pubdate:2022.12.02 Source: Hit:968

On October 28, 2022, the General Administration of Customs (GACC) issued the Announcement on Publishing the Standards for Advanced Customs Certified Enterprises (“Standards”).


The Standards includes general standards and individual standards formulated for different types of enterprises and business scopes. The certification result options are divided into “up to standard”, “basically up to standard”, “not up to standard” and “not applicable”. The general standards include internal control standards, financial status standards, law-abiding standards, and trade safety standards, a total of 16 items, and individual standards include processing trade, bonded import and export, health and quarantine, animal and plant quarantine, imported and exported food, imported and exported commodity inspection, agency declaration, express operation, logistics transportation, cross-border e-commerce platform, and foreign trade comprehensive services, a total of 32 standards.

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