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China Lists Nine Pilot Regions for Domestic and Foreign Trade Integration

Pubdate:2023.02.10 Source: Hit:591

On January 11, 2023, the Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) released the Notice on Listing the Pilot Regions for Domestic and Foreign Trade Integration (“Notice”). The Notice has come into effect since December 8, 2022.


MOFCOM and other 13 departments have determined Beijing Municipality, Shanghai Municipality, Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province (including Ningbo City), Fujian Province (including Xiamen City), Hunan Province, Guangdong Province (including Shenzhen City), Chongqing Municipality, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region as the pilot regions for domestic and foreign trade integration. The Notice requires departments to foster a number of firms that run both domestic and foreign trade business by focusing on a number of key industries, create a batch of platforms, form a number of industrial clusters with international competitive and integrated development, as well as establish improved institutional mechanism to promote the integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.

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