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Special Action on Value Creation for SMEs in Quality, Standards and Brands

Pubdate:2023.05.30 Source: Hit:568

On May 22, 2023, nine departments including Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security jointly issued the Special Action on Value Creation for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises through Quality Standards and Branding (2023-2025) (the “Special Action”), which would take effect on May 22, 2023, setting clear goals of significantly enhancing the awareness of quality, standards and brands among small and medium-sized enterprises (“SMEs”), continuously improving overall efficiency, constantly increasing the contribution of quality, standards and brands to the development of SMEs, and effectively promoting the specialized and innovative development of SMEs.


The Special Action sets forth 15 key tasks, including enhancing the awareness of quality, standards and brands; establishing advanced quality management systems; promoting digital quality management; raising product quality level; pushing forward product quality grading; preventing and controlling quality risks; enhancing standardization capabilities; supporting participation in standards formulation; strengthening the role of standards integration and development; and driving the evaluation of quality standards and brand value.

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