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Shanghai Issues Three-year Action Plan to Facilitate High-quality Development of the Manufacturing Industry

Pubdate:2023.06.30 Source: Hit:511

On May 18, 2023, Shanghai Municipal People’s Government released the Three-year Action Plan of Shanghai Municipalty on Facilitating the High-quality Development of the Manufacturing Industry (2023-2025), which will take effect on May 18, 2023, setting out 22 key tasks in six aspects.


The Plan proposed the need to consolidate and improve the key advantageous industries. Establishing four industry clusters worth RMB 1 trillion each for electronic information, health, automobile, and high-end equipment, and two industry clusters worth RMB 500 billion each for advanced materials and fashion consumer goods. It plans to support clusters of specialized, refinement, differential and innovative enterprises (“SRDI enterprises”) to grow stronger, implement a plan to foster SRDI enterprises, and drive small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their competitiveness. It seeks to have 10,000 SRDI enterprises at the municipal level and 1,000 SRDI enterprises at the national level, and 50 single champion enterprises and products in the manufacturing industry. It will also strive to create about ten featured clusters at national level. The Plan proposed to deepen the empowerment of industrial Internet applications, build 30 benchmarking platforms for the industry-specific industrial internet, cultivate 40 enterprises of “industrial empowerment chain master” in a gradient, and accelerate the innovative application of industrial meta-universe, etc. It also urges to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in key industries, implement the industrial carbon peaking plan, and achieve the goal of saving one percent of energy on average every year.

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