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Guangdong Introduces 17 Measures to Stabilize, Expand and Improve Foreign Investment

Pubdate:2023.08.31 Source: Hit:615

On August 3, 2023, the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission released Several Measures on Stabilizing, Expanding and Improving the Quality of Foreign Investment Focusing on the Manufacturing Sector (the “Measures”).


The Measures consists of 17 items in three aspects, proposing to support foreign investment in new open areas, in-depth implementation of the new version of the Negative List of Foreign Investment Entry, promoting further expansion of the opening up of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan’s investment areas, promoting the realization of greater openness in the field of telecommunication, finance, scientific research and technical services and other productive services, promoting the clean-up and abolition of inconsistent management measures for domestic and foreign investment in the areas of access to factors, qualification licensing, business operation, intellectual property protection, standard setting, bidding and bidding, government procurement, etc. Promote the cleanup and elimination of inconsistent management measures for domestic and foreign investment in the areas of factor acquisition, qualification licensing, business operation, intellectual property protection, standardization, bidding and tendering, government procurement, etc.; Encourage foreign investment to focus on the new track and future industries such as integrated circuits, biomedicine, new energy sources, new energy storage, advanced materials, artificial intelligence, and commercial aerospace, etc.; and support foreign investment in the advanced manufacturing industry, etc.

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