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Legal update

GACC Announced the Implementation of China-Serbia Customs AEO Mutual Recognition

Pubdate:2023.08.31 Source: Hit:666

On August 22, 2023, the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC) announced on its website the Announcement on the Implementation of China-Serbia Customs “Authorized Economic Operator” (AEO) Mutual Recognition (the “Announcement”).


The Announcement specifies that the Chinese and Serbian Customs will grant the following customs clearance facilitation measures to each other’s AEO enterprises in the customs clearance of imported and exported goods: applying a lower rate of documentary audit; applying a lower rate of inspection; giving priority to the inspection of goods that need to be physically inspected; designating a customs liaison officer responsible for communicating with and solving problems encountered by the AEO enterprises in the customs clearance; and giving priority to the clearance of goods after the international trade has been interrupted and resumed.

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