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Legal update

China Extends Preferential Tax Policies for Returned Goods in Cross-border E-commerce and Imported Exhibits Sold during the CIFTIS

Pubdate:2023.08.31 Source: Hit:769

On August 30, 2023, the Ministry of Finance (“MOF”) released the Announcement on Extending the Preferential Tax Polices for Returned Goods Exported through Cross-border E-commerce (the “Announcement”), and the Circular on Extending the Preferential Tax Policies for Imported Exhibits Sold during the China International Fair for Trade in Services (“CIFTIS”) (the “Circular”).


According to the Announcement, for goods (excluding food) declared for export under the cross-border e-commerce customs regulation codes (1210, 9610, 9710, 9810) within the period from January 30, 2023 to December 31, 2025, and returned to China in their original condition within six months since the date of export due to demurrage or return of goods, they are exempt from import duties, import VAT and consumption tax.


According to the Circular, for imported exhibits sold within the prescribed limits of number or amount during the 2024-2025 CIFTIS, they are exempt from import duties, import VAT and consumption tax.

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