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The State Council Supports Application for Establishment of China (Inner Mongolia) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Pubdate:2023.10.31 Source: Hit:546

Chinese government website released on October 16, “The State Council on the Promotion of High-Quality Development of Inner Mongolia Strive to Write a New Chapter of Chinese-Style Modernization of the Opinions” (“Opinions”).


The Opinions put forward to speed up the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure; promote iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, and other key areas to carry out energy saving, pollution reduction, and carbon technology transformation, encourage ferroalloys, coking, and other areas of enterprise optimization and restructuring; accelerate the development of an open economy, and support the procedures to apply for the establishment of China (Inner Mongolia) Pilot Free Trade Zone. The Opinions further consolidate the industrial foundation, promote the high-quality development of the comprehensive bonded area, and strengthen the policy support. The new energy, new materials, modern equipment manufacturing, modern coal chemical industry, dairy industry, agricultural and livestock products and other areas, in the development of key industries, the landing of major projects will be supported.

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