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Legal update

China to Adjust CCC Requirements for Imported IT Equipment in Some Free Trade Zones and Free Trade Port

Pubdate:2023.11.30 Source: Hit:434

On November 11, 2023, the State Administration for Market Regulation (“SAMR”) issued the Announcement on Adjusting the Compulsory Product Certification Requirements for Imported Information Technology Equipment in Some Pilot Free Trade Zones and Free Trade Port (the “Announcement”).


According to the Announcement, the SAMR and the General Administration of Customs have decided to adjust the China compulsory certification (“CCC”) requirements for imported information technology equipment in pilot regions (including the pilot free trade zones in Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjian, Fujian and Beijing and the Hainan Free Trade Port). Upon the adjustment, for imported IT equipment subject to the CCC in the pilot regions, the applicants may use self-declared assessment to certify the products conform to the electromagnetic compatibility standards of the CCC requirements when they apply for the CCC.

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