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State Council Approves Expansion of Ningbo Port

Pubdate:2023.11.30 Source: Hit:653

The State Council recently has approved the proposed expansion of Ningbo Port, which involves enlarging the open area of three port zones including Chuanshan, Xiangshan, and Shipu by 58.13 square kilometers.


The approval marks the full opening of all eight port zones of Ningpo Port, including Xiangshan and Shippu, which were approved for opening for the first time. According to the State Council’s Reply, the approval involves five key projects, namely the No.1 berth of the Chuanshan container terminal, Xiangshan Xinle Shipyard and Dazhongzhuang dock, Shipu Xingang dock and the 10,000-ton dock of China Co-op Group. With the expansion, Ningbo Port will add 1,894 meters of open shoreline and nine berths, and the expansion plan is expected to increase the port’s annual container handling capacity by 620,000 TEUs and cargo throughout by 3 million metric tons.

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