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Legal update

MIIT to Issue Regulations on the Comprehensive Utilization of NEV Power Batteries

Pubdate:2023.12.31 Source: Hit:612

On December 15, 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released the Rules Governing Comprehensive Utilization of Power Batteries of New Energy Vehicles (NEV) (Exposure Draft) (the “Rules”) for public comment until January 15, 2024.


The Rules, which include eight chapters and 43 articles, regulate the comprehensive utilization of used power batteries left behind from the research and development, design, production, assembly, use, maintenance, replacement, scraping, recovery, processing, storage, and transportation of power batteries that are conducted within the territory of China. The Rules stipulate that the main responsibility for the recovery of assembled power batteries shall be borne by automobile manufacturers, the recovery of power batteries to be directly sold in the market shall be borne by battery manufacturers, and the recovery of products for cascade utilization shall be borne by cascade utilization enterprises.

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