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Our Developments

Grandway Joins Legalink

Pubdate:2017.02.12 Source: Hit:1498

Grandway officially joins Legalink, anactive and growing international network of independent law firms around theworld. Legalink is registered in Switzerland and currently has about 70 membersin more than 60 countries with offices in about 100 commercial central citiesaround the globe. Member firms of Legalink have a total of more than 6,000lawyers.

Grandway aims to provide top quality legalservices focusing on capital market, with proper diversities. Joining Legalinkwould greatly enhance Grandway’s cross-border capability, especially forChinese companies investing or acquiring in foreign jurisdictions orintroducing intellectual properties from abroad. Legalink members will alsobring to Grandway global project resources, leading international legaldevelopment, innovative legal knowledge management and transfer skills.