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With the Assistance of Grandway, Sichuan Danfu Compressor Co.,LTD has been Granted a Conditional Approval for Material Asset Replacement and Issuance of Shares for Purchasing Assets by the CSRC

Pubdate:2015.04.30 Source: Hit:547

On April 30th,2015, Sichuan Danfu Compressor Co.,LTD (stock code: 002366), which Grandway has provided legal service, has been Granted a Conditional Approval for Material Asset Replacement and Issuance of Shares for Purchasing Assets by the CSRC

Danfu Share purchased the 100% Taihaihedian Shares from 51 shareholders of Taihai group by asset replacement and issuance of shares. In doing so, Danfu Share replaced the 100% Taihaihedian Shares by its total assets and liabilities, but for the amount of 38003.61 yuan that did not constitute the assets. The replaced assets of Danfu Share were all received by Taihai group, and Danfu Share balanced the spread between the replaced assets and 100% Taihaihedian Shares by privately issuing shares and fund raising.

Danfu Share is dealing in purified water producing and selling.