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The private issuing project of Kunming Sinobright (Group) Co., Ltd (see below as Kunming Sinobright) had been approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)

Pubdate:2015.04.20 Source: Hit:592

Kunming Sinobright (Group) Co., Ltd (see below as Kunming Sinobright) received theapproval document of the China SecuritiesRegulatory Commission [CSRC] on April. 3rd, 2015 (permissioncode:[2015]No.513). Kunming Sinobright issued no more than 0.3 billion newshares, financing no more than 2346 million yuan. Kunming Sinobright is acompany of retail and real estate business, tourism hotel and propertyservices. This fund will be mainly invested in e-commerce platform, loanrepayment and supplement the working capital. The company devoted itself increating local business flagship with cultural characters of Yunnan province underthe knowledge of Yunnan culture and Yunnan’s consuming habbit, and in enlargingits business into the whole Southwestern area of China, as a result,discovering the Southeast Asian market.