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The issuing, cash purchasing and funding project (as the related transaction) of Fuchun Communications Co., Ltd had been unconditionally approved by the Merger and Acquisition committee of China Secur

Pubdate:2015.04.20 Source: Hit:593

The issuing, cash purchasingand funding project (as the related transaction) of Fuchun Communications Co.,Ltd had been unconditionally approved by the Merger and Acquisition committeeof China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC).


On March 23rd, 2015, the issuing, cash purchasingand funding project (as the related transaction) of Fuchun Communications Co.,Ltd had been unconditionally approved by the Merger and Acquisition committeeof ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).

Fuchun was intended to merger 100% share of ShanghaiJunmeng Internet Technology Co., Ltd. Junmeng has powerful game researching anddevelopmental capacities and famous IP resources. Their online game userexperience depend on the pipeline transportation of the telecom operator. Afterthis transaction, Fuchun successfully acquired high-quality content resources,and quickly enlarged their service range and perfected their service systemduring the strategic transformation of the telecom operator, successfullyaccomplished the goal of TMT industry------to enlarge the area of communicationinto cultural media and technology, and to distribute in major areas in TMTindustry. This transaction will help Fuchun to consolidate their fundations inTMT development, and will help Fuchun realize its cooperative development ofB2B and B2C business model, raising its profits and capacity of escaping risks.