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The important assets replacement, issuing, purchasing and funding project (as the related transaction) of Southwest Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, had been unconditionally approved by the Merger and Acquisi

Pubdate:2015.03.19 Source: Hit:856

The important assetsreplacement, issuing, purchasing and funding project (as the relatedtransaction) of Southwest Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, had been unconditionally approvedby the Merger and Acquisition committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).


Our firm was entrusted by Southwest Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd (stock name: Southwest Pharmaceutical, stock number: 600129) to be theirconsultant on their important assets replacement project. On March 19th,2015, after examined by the 18th conference of the Merger andAcquisition committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), the issuing and purchasing project of SouthwestPharmaceutical had been unconditionally approved. This project has beenoperated by Kong Yuquan lawyer’s group, and the signing lawyers are Sun Lin andZhang Qingwei.