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The issuing, cash purchasing and funding project of Mao Shuo Dian Yuan Technology Co., Ltd, for which Grandway has been providing legal service, had been approved by the Merger and Acquisition committ

Pubdate:2015.02.02 Source: Hit:913

The issuing, cashpurchasing and funding project of Mao Shuo Dian Yuan Technology Co., Ltd, forwhich Grandway has been providing legal service, had been approved by theMerger and Acquisition committee of ChinaSecurities Regulatory Commission (CSRC).

On Feb.2nd, 2015, after examined by the 10thconference of the Merger and Acquisition committee of China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC), The issuing, cash purchasing and funding project of MaoShuo Dian Yuan Technology Co., Ltd, for which Grandway has been providing legalservice, had been unconditional approved. This project has been operated byKong Yuquan lawyer’s group, and the signing lawyers are Sun Lin and ZhangQingwei.